Tuesday, February 19, 2008

ER, Here I Come

Did you ever, as a kid, stick something up your nose? How about your kids, have they stuck things up their noses? Ha ha, so funny. How about their ears...do they stick things in their ears? My kids never have. That is, my boys never have.

Kate has a real problem. It started with cereal in the morning. Something about those squishy, mushy cold Cheerios felt just right in her ears. We sternly told her "NO!" every time and took her food away immediately. We cleaned out her ears, while she screamed bloody murder and told her again..."No cereal in your ears!" With time other food ended up in those same cute little ears...a shred of lettuce, a macaroni noodle, bread, chocolate, oranges...you get the picture. It got to the point where we couldn't leave her alone with food for fear she'd stuff it all in her ears instead of her mouth!

Then she discovered her nose had holes, too! Oh joy! Remember those fun little foam shapes from my last post...she got one of those up her nose. The entire thing. It was a half-inch circle all folded up nice and neat all the way up her nostril! I managed to remove it myself, but not without a battle.

Now anything she finds is game. When I catch her in this dirty little habit of hers, and call her on it, she changes the subject. Today I noticed that guilty look on her face. She had taken out her pigtails, stuffed one mini elastic up her nostril and the other in her ear. I checked her other ear, just for fun, and found a crumpled piece of candy wrapper in it! It's getting ridiculous. I know I'm destined for a trip to the emergency room with this little girl! What am I supposed to do?!?


Cami said...

I have tears running down my cheeks from laughing, but alas I have no advice. Oh my. Good luck with that! Hopefully, she'll grow out of this quickly.

Leslie said...

Earplugs? You could put them in both her ears and her nose...She might just enjoy the sensation and not be able to get more in there...just kidding...Just make sure to have enough set aside for copays for your ER visits :-) I'd love to meet this cute little Kate...she sounds like such a crack up!

The Titmi said...

HILARIOUS!!!! Oh my! Its not like the holes or food are going to go away! How tragic!

Matt said...

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit......

I would continue this comment but I need to go rinse my mouth.

Mike and Shelby said...

Wow! That IS a problem! Earmuffs maybe? :) I thought I had it bad with everything going into Brooke's mouth. I have to admit...it was a pretty funny post!

Anisa said...

I'm sorry, but that's hillarious!!! I don't know what to tell you. Joren put macaroni and cheese up his nose once, but that was all. I'm sure she'll outgrow it soon enough!

Audra Bollard said...

This was so funny. I mean, of course it's not funny to be worried about an ER trip, but it makes for some great blog reading. She looks so cute and innocent . . . who would've thought she's secretly stashing things away!

mindy said...

yikes! my friend's daughter stuck a bean up her nose and had to go to the doctor, but it sounds like it's a pathological thing for your little one! Lettuce in the ears? hopefully she'll grow out of it soon!