Sunday, July 22, 2007

Going to the beach with Owen and Janine

My sister Janine and my little nephew Owen came for a visit last weekend. We went to the beach for Owen's first experience with the ocean.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Week of Quarantine

3 weeks earlier - Ben has a mysterious localized rash on his back and a recurring tingling pain in his shoulder and arm. We're not sure of the identity of this ailment.

Saturday 10:00am - Ian takes off his shirt so I can lather him up with sunscreen for the beach and I see what looks like a rash on his chest, stomach and back. We suspect the chicken pox. (Here's a picture of his back.)

Saturday 11:00am -After some research on the internet, we are pretty sure Ian has the chicken pox, realizing that he got it from Ben, who's recent malady was, in fact, Shingles, which is a manifestation of the dormant chicken pox virus.

Saturday 11:02am - The quarantine begins. We call everyone we have been in contact with in the last two days. Ian has been incubating the virus but was not contagious until Thursday, possibly Friday.

Monday 11:00am - After waiting outside the doctor's office in the van for someone to come and get us to go in to see the doctor, Ian is diagnosed with an "atypical" case of the chicken pox, common in children who have been vaccinated and exposed to the virus. The Doctor gives Jacob a surprise booster shot (now recommended for children ages 4-6), and checks Kate's chart to make sure she had been given the vaccine a few weeks earlier when she turned one.

The present moment - We are stuck at home, not able to be with friends or go to the store, the park, the pool or the beach. AND the boys are missing Hero Camp, a youth conference type of activity for kids in the Irvine Stake. Boo-hoo!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Change of Address

We moved to our new house! It has been so nice to stretch out in the 1950 square feet of room!

We love the new kitchen and bathrooms, the big backyard, and the park and pool are right across the street!

Happy 4th of July!

We spent the 4th of July in California's central valley this year. Ben's college roommate invited us and the Judds, another rommate's family, to his parents farm in Turlock. It was about 105 degrees, but the kids had a blast feeding the chickens, bouncing in the bounce house, throwing water balloons at each other, and watching the local fireworks. I had a blast picking delicious peaches and pluots in the orchard, eating an amazing country breakfast and meeting the cows and a local bull who was "on a date" at the farm.